12 Mar 2021

FFmpeg base command

The command here is based on Windows(the personal computer), and Mac operations are similar.


-version 显示版本
-demuxers 显示可用的demuxers(视音频分离器)
-muxers 显示可用的muxers(多路复用器,视音频复用器(Muxer)即是将视频压缩数据(例如H. 264)和音频压缩数据(例如AAC)合并到一个封装格式数据)
-devices 显示可用的设备
-codecs 显示所有的编解码器
-deoders 显示所有的解码器
-encoders 显示所有的编码器
-bsfs 显示比特流filter(?)
-formats 显示可用的格式(比如mp3,mp4)
-protocols 显示可用的协议
-filter 显示可用的过滤器
-pix_fmts 显示可用的像素格式
-sample_fmts 显示可用的采样格式
-layouts 显示channel的名称(单声道,多声道)
-colors 显示识别的颜色名称


-f fmt(输入输出,一般后面为设备名称)
-i url(输入,输入文件的url地址)
-c(编解码,ffmpeg -i INPUT -map 0 -c:v libx264 -c:a copy OUTPUT)
-r[: stream_specifier] fps(设置帧率,hz值)  
-s[: stream_specifier] (设置分辨率)  
-aspect[: stream_specifier] (设置方面指定的视频显示宽高比。aspect 可以是浮点数字符
                             串,也可以是 num:den 形式的字符串,其中 num 和 den
                             “1.7777”是有效的参数值。如果与-vcodec 副本一起使用,
-sample_fmt(设置音频采样格式。使用-sample_fmts 获取支持的样

举个例子: Get devices

ffmpeg -devices

in windows:  D  dshow           DirectShow capture

             D  gdigrab         GDI API Windows frame grabber
             D  lavfi           Libavfilter virtual input device
             E sdl,sdl2        SDL2 output device
             D  vfwcap          VfW video capture
in macOS:    E audiotoolbox    AudioToolbox output device
             D  avfoundation    AVFoundation input device
             D  lavfi           Libavfilter virtual input device        

Capture desktop screen (silent):

windows: ffmpeg -f gdigrab -i desktop -r 30 fileName.mp4/.yuv/or other 

-f: the input source
-i desktop: Screen capture video
macOS: ffmpeg -f avfoundation -i 1 -r 30 fileName.mp4/.yuv/or other

To capture audio:

windows: ffmpeg -list_devices true -f dshow -i dummy (List the device name)

         [dshow @ 0000025c3d3ddc00] DirectShow video devices (some may be both video and audio devices)
         [dshow @ 0000025c3d3ddc00]  "Integrated Webcam"
         [dshow @ 0000025c3d3ddc00]     Alternative name "@device_pnp_\\?\usb#vid_0c45&pid_6723&mi_00#6&12e96a9&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global"
         [dshow @ 0000025c3d3ddc00] DirectShow audio devices
         [dshow @ 0000025c3d3ddc00]  "Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)"
         [dshow @ 0000025c3d3ddc00]     Alternative name "@device_cm_{33D9A762-90C8-11D0-BD43-00A0C911CE86}\wave_{944A0A5A-4ED9-4B5F-89AF-4CB5262162A9}" 

         start record:  ffmpeg.exe -f dshow -i audio="Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)" 1.mp3
macOS:   ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i ""

         [AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f8766400e80] AVFoundation video devices:
         [AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f8766400e80] [0] FaceTime HD Camera
         [AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f8766400e80] [1] Capture screen 0
         [AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f8766400e80] AVFoundation audio devices:
         [AVFoundation indev @ 0x7f8766400e80] [0] Built-in Microphone       

of course, we can record audio and screen both

windows: ffmpeg.exe -f gdigrab -i desktop -f dshow -i audio="Microphone (Realtek(R) Audio)" -r 30 -s 1280*740 1.mp4

macOS: ffmpeg -f avfoundation -video_size 1280x720 -framerate 30 -i 1:0 -r 30 1.mp4

from videos extract video and audio:

ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -vcodec copy -an 1-1.mp4

ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -acodec copy -vn 1-1.mp3

Multimedia format conversion:

ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy 1.flv

Extract the original data format:

ffmpeg.exe -i out.mp4 -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -f s16le out.pcm
-ar: audiu rate音频采样率
-ac: audiu channel 音频声道数为2
-f:音频的数据存储格式s16le: s:有符号16位lettle end

ffmpeg.exe -i 1.mp4 -an -c:v rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p out.yuv   
-an: 不提取音频
-c:v: 对视频进行编码,使用rawvideo(原始视频)格式进行编码
-pix_fmt yuv420p: 输出的YUV像素格式 


    像素裁剪:ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -vf crop=in_w-200:in_h-200 -c:libx264 -c:a copy out.mp4

音视频裁剪(裁剪10s):ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t 10 out.ts
多个视频合并(input.txt中文件格式为file '1.ts'):ffmpeg -f concat -i input.txt out.mp4
图片视频互转:ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -r 1 -f image2 image-%3d.jpeg 
           ffmpeg -i image-%3d.jpeg out.mp4

here you can see word doc(中文版)

here you can see FFmpeg in C use of video/audio
